Master of Project Management

Pioneering Project Excellence with a Master of Project Management


The Masters of Project Management degree equips students with the technical and strategic expertise to manage projects end-to-end across global markets.

The masters of project management online prepares you with the necessary skills and tools to effectively lead your organization to handle volatile, ambiguous, or complex projects. Our curriculum enhances your understanding of project management tools, organizational strategies, and theoretical concepts with a hands-on approach. It also provides a deep-insights into the subject through research and innovative project management concepts.

Texila American University offers the best Master of project management degree in Zambia, which prepares qualified professionals for project management roles at various levels of organizations that facilitate the design, construction, and operations of projects in the public and private market sectors of the built environment.

The Master’s Degree in Project Management online is a comprehensive program that produces versatile leaders with knowledge in fundamental concepts of development, design, and construction practices with functional concepts of management and behavioral science.

The masters of project management courses are designed specifically for entry to intermediate-level professionals and taught by qualified professionals with exposure to real-world scenarios, case studies, and contemporary challenges of the constantly evolving field.

TAUs students graduate with the essential skills to lead major projects in today’s highly complex and challenging global landscape with outcomes that will promote their progress in the corporate world.


Years Duration

  • Qualification from any recognized body with level equivalent to bachelors qualification (or)
  • Diploma (2 years) from a recognized institution and to possess 10 years of work experience with a minimum of 3 years of experience as manager or at team leader position
  • Proficiency in English

Non- English-Speaking Countries:

Additional requirements required as proof of English proficiency from

  • TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)
  • IELTS (International English Language Testing System) Score of 4.0 and above
  • Cambridge/ The International Baccalaureate (IB)

Structure of the programme

Trimester Course Code Subjects Credits
Year 1
1 MSC1111 Principles of Management & Organisation Behaviour 19
MSC1112 Managerial Economics 19
2 MSC1113 Advanced Business Accounting & Financial Management 19
MSC1114 Marketing Principles and Practice 19
MSCP01 Capstone Project 8
3 MSC1115 Strategic Management 19
MSC1116 Business Research Methods & Statistics 19
Year 2
4 MSP2111 Project Management Information System 19
MSP2112 Project Monitoring, Control and Evaluation 19
MSCP02 Capstone Project 8
5 MSP2113 Organizational Practices In Project Management 19
MSP2114 Project Risk Management 19
6 MSC2115 Research Publication in Journals/e-conference 48
MSC2116 Project work Dissertation & Defense 48

Credit System: One credit represents 10 notional hours of learning. This learning includes classroom, supervised and self-directed hours, assessment time, workplace training, assignment writing, online learning and fieldwork. A normal year of fulltime study (including contact hours and self-directed hours) is 1200 hours (120 credits). Any variation in hours from this requires specific justification. Similarly, any variation from 120 ZQF credits in one fulltime year requires specific justification. Credit units shall not be used for awarding qualifications under the ZQF.

Selection Factors

Students applying to M.Sc Project Management program at TAU Zambia campus are selected on the basis of their academic, personal, and extracurricular abilities. Each student will be assessed based on the educational background, age, and intended course of study. Additionally, students must have the intellectual, physical, and emotional capacities to meet the requirements of a successful career in their respective fields.

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What Do You Gain?

  • Formulate an integrative business project through the application of multidisciplinary knowledge
  • Describe the function of marketing, the strategic marketing process, consumer behavior, and how marketing contributes to organizational growth and customer value.
  • Familiar with current digital technologies and Information Technology (IT) management trends.
  • Employ effective cross-cultural communication
  • Skills to generate novel and value-creating products, processes, or organizational forms
  • Communicate logically constructed and relevant oral and written arguments and information
  • Demonstrate awareness of economic, environmental, political, legal, and regulatory contexts of global business practice
  • Employ financial decision models to select appropriate projects for a business enterprise and manage firm growth through strategies such as mergers, acquisitions, international expansion, and new venture development.
  • Learners able to apply resource optimization by understanding various costs
  • Define the key elements needed to measure and report on project scope, schedule, and cost performance
  • Outline the development of information systems in knowledge areas of Project Management

Teaching Methodology

  • Total 16 weeks in the Trimester (2 courses per trimester)
  • 4 Modules Per Course, 3 Units per Module & 6 (5-7) Chapters in each Unit = (4*3*6)= 72 Chapters
  • Instructional hours through University Campus: Per course 14 hours  (2hrs x 1days x 7 weeks)
  • Suggestive Lecture Duration: 1 Module in two Classes (2 hrs per class/ per week)
    (Live Lectures – Other than Lusaka Students will receive the transmission of the weekly lectures at the Facility Centre or LMS platform (as per the availability) and shall also have the privilege to join at TAU Campus for any ongoing class at their convenience)

Academic Delivery and Assessment

  • On-Campus program is delivered in Semester pattern and On-line mode of program is delivered in Trimester/Block pattern.
Assessment per Course Weightage
Formative (Internal)
3 MCQ Tests for each Module.

Total Module – 4

Summative (External)
Final Exam (50 MCQ) 60%
Total 100%

Why Choose Us?

  • Uniquely Designed Learning Methodology
  • Outcome Based Academic Delivery
  • Continuous Academic Support
  • Enhanced Learning Management Systems
  • Technology Enabled Services
  • Dedicated learning of one subject at a time, focuses on more immersed learning
  • Capstone Project, promote integrated learning and understand the connections between various subjects
  • Article review promote critical thinking and analytical skills among the learners
  • Contextual Project Work, gives an opportunity to the students to relate what is being taught into the context of the real world, and thus eliminating the questions of “Why do I need to learn this stuff?”

Career Opportunity

Many opportunities exist in the expansive field of Project Management nationally and globally.

  • Project Manager
  • Program Manager
  • Project Consultant
  • Business operations manager
  • Portfolio Manager
  • Risk Manager
  • Operations Director
  • PMO Director (Project Management Office Director)
  • Scrum Master/Agile Coach
  • Change Manager
  • Supply Chain Manager
  • IT Project Manager



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