My name is Nyasha Chamonyonga and I’ve recently been enrolled at Texila. I am doing the HPFP course. Online lectures are really amazing and pose to be very flexible and understandable. We use an application called ZOOM and it allows us to have video conferences. It allows you to see the teacher, his presentation as well as communicate with the teacher and students either by voice or by messaging. All you need is a good connection system. The lecturers are very good at explaining concepts and if you happen to have questions, you have the opportunity to ask and they will help you through. In case of any technical problems, the technical staff members are there to help you through. The Learner’s Management System (LMS) has notes that are available for each subject you will be taking and this makes it easier for students to plan for their lessons and helps us understand better. I have been enjoying the online lessons and I hope you will enjoy them too.
Nyasha Chamonyonga